Office Space

by Editorial Staff--South Jersey Biz | Feb 13, 2015
Office Space …From the pages of South Jersey Biz…

Supplies in Demand
Try out these new gadgets to make the most of your time, maximize productivity, even stay fit even at the office.

One Smart Watch
Want a stylish smartwatch without the responsibility of one more thing to plug in at night? Enter the Pebble Steel smartwatch, which shows you notifications, has fitness tracking, even music control—and needs to be charged only once a week. (, $199)

Productive and Fit
Avoid the office slouch with the Lumo Lift. While it counts calories, steps taken and subsequent calories burned, it also vibrates when you slouch, immediately alerting you to sit up straight. A must-have for all desk-dwellers. (, $99)

Crunching Numbers

$8.38: New Jersey’s new minimum wage as of Jan. 1— an increase of 1.59 percent

$90,000,000: Cost of South Jersey Gas’ proposed pipeline, part of the BL England plant’s conversion to natural gas.

15: Number of miles of the proposed pipeline that would have to pass through the state’s Pineland National Reserve.

$33.7 million: Amount of the four-year contract awarded to the Marlton-based firm Hill International with the New Jersey Turnpike Authority for the construction of four State Police stations, the rehabilitation of 23 toll facilities, upgrades to maintenance districts, the construction of a backup traffic/data management center and the construction of a central inventory facility.

Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 5, Issue 1 (January, 2015).
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Author: Editorial Staff--South Jersey Biz


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