Company Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Interactive Display Ads
Interactive Line Ads
Interactive Link
Basic Listing
Speak Out Help
Scrapbook Help

Company Information

Del Val Media, LLC
South Jersey Magazine,, Suburban Family Magazine, South Jersey Biz Magazine and Suburban Life Magazine


110 Centre Blvd.
Marlton, NJ 08053

Phone Number: 856-797-9910

Email Contacts:
Editorial Department:
Advertising Inquires:
Technical Support: is a Division of:


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Frequently Asked questions:

The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions by visitors to SouthJersey.Com. Prior to writing to our Technical Support team please search the list and see if you question has already been answered. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, or have a question on any subject that is not covered in the FAQs please contact our Technical Support team.

Q. How do I locate a business listing on SouthJersey.Com?

A. There are several ways to find a business listing. You can click on the Blue "Shopping" link from the Homepage, then scroll down to the "Shopping Guide" on the right side of the page and enter in your search parameters and click on the Search button. The second way is to click on one of the listings under the Blue "Shopping Guide" on the Shopping page. Another way is by clicking on the Blue "Links" button on the shopping page.


Q. How do I create my own E-Mail account at SouthJersey.Com?

A. Just click on the "Free Email" tab and supply the necessary information to create your own "Free Email" account at SouthJersey.Com.


Q. How do I advertise my business on

A. You can either view our Online Media Kit, or feel free to contact our Advertising Department for more information.


Q. How do I find an event that is taking place in South Jersey?

A. Just click on the "Events" tab and either search’s Data Base of local events, or simply click on one of the day on the calendar to get the Events listed for that day.


Q. How do I list an Event on

A. From the "Events" page, click on the "List your Event" button and complete the form then click on the "Enter Event" button.


Q. What is Virtual Mate, and how do I use the service?

A. Virtual Mate is a First Class matchmaking service providing singles on the Internet with a great way to find the perfect person for you. To use the service just click on the "Community" button from the Homepage, then click on the "Life Styles" tab at the top of the page, from that page click on the "Singles" button and follow the link to "Virtual Mate" and then click the "Sign Up" link. Follow the instructions to sign up for an account.

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Interactive Display Ads, Interactive Line Ads, Interactive Link, and Basic Listing Help:

To enter and/or edit an Interactive Display Ad, Interactive Line Ad, Interactive Link, or Basic Listing, just click on the link at the bottom of the Home Page for the type of Ad you would like to place. First you must search for your listing (even if it is not already listed) Do this by entering the Company Name and clicking on the "Search For Listing" button. Do not hit the enter button as this will force you to have to enter the information again. If the listing was not located you will be asked if you wish to "Add Listing", if so, simply click the "Add Listing" button and complete all of the required information and choose the type of Ad you wish to place "Continue Process" until you have completed the entire form. You will receive a confirmation that your information was submitted and you will also receive an Email with your User Name and Password. Once you have this information you may continue with the process. When you receive the Email with your Username and Password, you will also receive a link to the "Admin" portion of the site where you will begin to place your Ad. Once you are at the Admin portion of the site, enter in the Username and Password you received, and click "Login". This will take you to the "Directory Admin Menu" where you will see the following options:

Update Directory Entry
Update Interactive Link
Interactive Ad Admin

Update Directory Entry:
Fill in the required information and click on the "Update Directory" button. This will list the name, address, phone number and email address of your company on your Interactive Display Ad.

Update Interactive Link:
This section is used for your Companies Website address. Fill in the URL block with the Internet address of you Companies website and click on the "Update Interactive Link" button.

Interactive Ad Admin:
    Edit Main Ad:
Use this section to edit any field on your ad. Simply edit any or all of the fields and when completed, click on the "Update Main Ad" button to update your Interactive Display Ad.

    Background Graphic:
You can choose a background for your Interactive Display Ad just by clicking on the "view background" link. This will open a new window in which you can view a selection of several popular backgrounds. After you have chosen the background you wish to use, close the new window, click on the down arrow under "Background Graphic" and click on the name of the background that you wish to use.

    Font Face:
To select the "Font Face"(Style of Text) you wish your Interactive Display Ad to use, simply click on the down arrow under "Font Face" and select the Font you wish to use.

    Font Color:
To select the "Font Color"(Color of Text) you wish your Interactive Display Ad to use, simply click on the down arrow under "Font Color" and select the Font Color you wish to use.

    Company Logo:
You can even add your company logo to your Interactive Display Ad by clicking on the "Browse" button next to the "Company Logo" box. Next you need to locate the file that contains your Company Logo. (Your Logo must be saved as an electronic file first, - ex: CompanyLogo.jpg) Do this by selecting the drive where you stored your company Logo, click on the name of the file, and then click open. The file should now be listed in the "Company Logo" box on the form.

Preview Ad:
Click on this button to "Preview " your Interactive Display Ad prior to posting it. This will open a new window where you are able to view your ad, check the content and layout, background and text color prior to posting it on

Item Block:
Each Interactive Display Ad will receive six "Item Blocks". These blocks can be used to display listings of items that you wish South Jersey residents to view on your Interactive Display Ad. (Example: Headline: Computers
Item Block Copy: We carry several top name brands of computers including IBM, Dell and Gateway.)

Use this section to enter a Headline for your Item.

Item Block Copy:
Use this section to enter a paragraph detailing the item or service you listed in your Headline. To skip a line and begin a new paragraph, press the enter key twice.

Item Block Graphic:
You can even add your picture to your Interactive Display Ad by clicking on the "Browse" button next to the "Item Block Graphic" box. Next you need to locate the file that contains the picture you wish to use. (Your picture must be saved as an electronic file first. - ex: mypicture.jpg) Do this by selecting the drive where you stored your picture, click on the name of the file, and then click open. The file should now be listed in the "Item Block Graphic" box on the form.

When you have completed filling in all the necessary blocks, just click on the "Add" button. You may repeat these steps until you have filled in all six of your "Add Item Blocks"

Once you have completed filling in all of the areas of this Interactive Display Ad and submitted the changes, be sure to log out of the session by clicking on the "Logout" link on the Directory Admin Menu.

If you are still experiencing problems, feel free to contact our Support team at: Support team

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Speak Out Help


To answer the "Speak Out Topic" just click on the "respond to this weeks question" link inside of the "Speak Out!" topic box, or click on the "Post Message" button if you are entering from the red "Read what South Jersey has to say" button. This will bring you to a form where all you need to do is simply fill in the required information and when completed, click on the "Post Message" button. Please note, your question or advice will not appear until it has been reviewed for content and approved for posting. To exit this screen, just click on the back arrow or click the "Return to Main Page" link. Please note, your Speak Out submission will not appear until it has been reviewed for content and approved for posting.


If you are still experiencing problems, feel free to contact our Support team at:


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Scrapbook Help


The first thing to do is to click on the "scrapbook" link on the homepage. Once you are at the scrapbook page, just choose the category you wish to post to, and click the "Submit" button. This will bring you to a form that you must fill out. Follow these simple instructions:


Headline: Simply fill in the text area with what you would like your Headline to read.


Body: Just fill in the text area with what you would like your posting to read.


Scrapbook Category: Click on the small arrow and select the category you wish to be listed under from the drop down box.


Photo Boxes: If you have a photo you would like posted, you can either, simply enter it's location in the box, or you can select the browse button and locate the file yourself. Once you have located the photo file, just click on it, then click open. The file name will be placed into the text area for photo 1 on the form. Repeat the process if you have another photo to post.


Name: Enter your name in this box only if you want it to appear on the website along with your posting.


E-Mail: Enter your E-Mail in this box only if you want it to appear on the website along with your posting.


Next click on the "Submit Entry" button to post your Scrapbook item. Please note, your Scrapbook posting will not appear until it has been reviewed for content and approved for posting.


If you are still experiencing problems, feel free to contact our Support team at:


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